Thursday, June 4, 2009

Project Progress

Pui Pui and I met in labs to work on our improved building desing in max. We broke down all of the components needed to be recreated or modified and the new objects to be modelled also. We used the old max file to start and found that some elements could be saved and reused, but that other elements just werent needed or that modelling some items from the start would just be more efficient.

Here are some of the screenshots in which we took during this meetings progress.

Fig 1.) Recreating the circular outer level 2 platform

Fig 2.) Cutting an opening on this platfrom using boolean so that the staircase has an entry to level 2

Fig 3.) Starting to develop a spiral staircase inside. Working our probable tread, rise and width dimensions

Fig 4.) Arraying the one stair component to create a stair case

Fig 5.) Some perspective wireframes of these stairs using "array"

Fig 6.) Working our how to create a railing that would support users of the staircase - array using cylinders

Fig 7.) Choosing a different approach to the staircase railing. Creating a full staircase barrier that would also cover the underside of the stairs

Fig 8.) Creating a plane then editing its shape using polyedits and vertexedits to follw the shape of the spiralling staircase

Fig 9.) A cohesive staircase and protective barrier
Fig 10.) Deleting vertex feature

Fig 11.) An example found through internet catalogues of a balustrade we would like to recreate for our circular presentation room platform

Fig 12.) Creating our balustrade and cutting holes in the concrete as shown in our sourced internet picture - The railing is cut using an array of boolean cuts

Fig 13.) Boolean cuts in progress

Fig 14.)Creating the circular platfrom and then placing the balustrade on it

Fig 15.) Creating curved Information boards that will be placed against the walls of the circular platform

Fig 16.) Front elevation showing a arched (semicircle) opening to get into the inner circular platform

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